• CPR.

    Cardiopulmonary Resucitation

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    A Simulator developed in virtual reality for CPR training and learning

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    CPR Practicing.

    About the Simulator

    • Pre-hospital care may be performed using CPR following AHA protocols for adult basic life support (BLS).
    • The simulator will evaluate the students' decisions during the emergency, helping to modulate their learning.
    • The student will be able to use the simulator with a conventional CPR training mannequin, understanding the strength of chest compressions and their effectiveness. You can also use it without a mannequin to practice the survival chain and learn to manage the alert and stress situations that the simulator generates, helping mental and emotional preparation.
    • Periodically, updates will be released.
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    Learning Goals.

    By the end of the simulation, the student will be able to...

    • Identify if a place is safe to attend to the patient during the emergency.
    • Recognize the step-by-step of the survival chain in pre-hospital care.
    • Operate an automatic or semi-automatic defibrillator.
    • Perform chest compressions and cycle ventilation according to AHA protocols.
    • Among other learning goals.
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    Take a look!

    How does the Simulator work?

    One of the simulator's benefits is to prepare students mentally and emotionally. The sense of the presence of virtual reality and the emotional commitment that this generates is essential to learn. Recurring practice with the simulator will help sustain learning over time, something that is very necessary when you only take an initial course and do not practice again.

    The video shows how the simulator is used without a mannequin and the users' reaction.

  • Would you like to know more about the simulator?

    Contact Us! Click here

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