• Data Protection Policy

    DoReality is a business unit of EDUKI SAS. In accordance with Statutory Law 1581 of 2012 on Data Protection, by registering your data in this web form you authorize EDUKI SAS to incorporate your information into its database in order to: use your data to send you physically or digitally commercial, technical or any kind of information related to our products or services, invitations to face-to-face or virtual commercial or technical activities, share them with our allies or partners for those activities in which it is necessary given the nature of the purpose of the commercial or technical activity that we are going to carry out with them.


    It is optional to provide sensitive information, understood as those that affect privacy or generate some type of discrimination, or about minors.


    Likewise, we inform you that, in the collection, storage, and use of your data, it will be treated in accordance with the current legal order that governs the Protection of Personal Data guaranteeing the exercise of the rights of the owner.


    You can apply rights to know, correct, update, delete and/or revoke the authorization, by writing to EDUKI S.A.S at the e-mail address (see address below) indicating in the subject the right you wish to exercise, or by ordinary mail sent to the address 41 - 105 Calle 29 St. - office 1206, Medellin, Colombia.

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